Breakthrough in Vesele: has head of hromada succeeded in implementing his ideas?

Breakthrough in Vesele: has head of hromada succeeded in implementing his ideas?

We are checking if Petro Kiyashko, head of the Veselivska AH in the Zaporizhzhya Oblast, has managed to implement his ideas which he told about in his іnterview to the portal “Decentralisation” a year ago.

Exactly one year has passed since our trip to the Veselivska AH in the Zaporizhzhya Oblast. A year ago, head of the AH Petro Kiyashko told the portal “Decentralisation” about several interesting initiatives which he intended to implement. Now we wondered if Mr. Petro implemented his ambitious plans.

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Запорізька область


Веселівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада


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