Central Election Commission will examine possible elections in amalgamated hromadas after explanations from Parliament’s committee

The Association of Ukrainian Cities has received a reply from the Central Election Commission to its request regarding the first/additional local elections in amalgamated hromadas.

The Central Election Commission informs that the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dd. April 26, 2018 in regard to acknowledging the Law of Ukraine “On the All-Ukrainian Referendum” as contradicting the Constitution of Ukraine was followed by a number of requests to the Commission from member of Parliament Arkadiy Kornatsky. According to Mr. Kornatsky, elections in AHs shall be preceded by the local referendum, since the above decision of the Constitutional Court restores the validity of the Law “On the All-Ukrainian and Local Referendums”. Given this request, the Central Election Commission decided to ask the Parliament’s committee for legal policy and justice for clarification. This decision was adopted on August 9, 2018. According to paragraph 2, the Commission will examine the request of oblast administrations regarding the first elections in AHs, after it has received clarifications from the Parliament’s committee.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


03.09.2018 - 14:58 | Views: 13176
Central Election Commission will examine possible elections in amalgamated hromadas after explanations from Parliament’s committee


AUC elections CEC


Асоціація міст України

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