U-LEAD with Europe Programme and Association of Ukrainian Cities deepen cooperation

Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) with the support of U-LEAD with Europe Programme has launched Initiative “Promoting comprehensive development of hromadas through analytics, dialogue and cooperation” to be implemented until 14 July 2022. The aim of the Initiative is the capacity development of hromadas by preparing analytical notes, developing methodological recommendations, establishing intermunicipal cooperation with the focus on development of sustainable projects, reinforcing dialogue and interinstitutional coordination.

The Initiative is to be realised in the following directions:

  • Support of AUC Analytical Centre activities by assessing hormadas’ needs through sectoral dialogues in regions, preparation of analytical notes, development of methodological materials and providing recommendations on such sectors as: education, social protection and social services, local economic development, communal services and relevant infrastructure;
  • Support and development of partnerships between urban and rural hromadas, that will be competitively selected. These partnership initiatives, including also measures of regional significance, will strive for reinforcing intermunicipal cooperation among hromadas via projects’ development and investment attractiveness;
  • Organisation of Dialogue Day, which AUC traditional carries out annually starting from 2004. This event is the platform for thematic discussions and elaboration of joint positions between state bodies and AUC regarding the development of local self-governance, improvement of legal framework and decision-making activities towards resolving constraints of territorial hromadas’ functioning.  During this event the exchange of experience and knowledge among local self-government leaders, government representatives and NGOs will take place.

AUC and U-LEAD with Europe Programme have been cooperating since 2018 on such directions as: local strategy development for hromadas, intermunicipal cooperation, establishment of international partnerships between Ukrainian hromadas and municipalities from the EU.

12.03.2021 - 12:20 | Views: 5622

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international support amalgamation of hromadas AUC


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