CONTEST: AUC selects 10 small towns and AHs to assist them in preparing their development strategies

As part of its joint project with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) which is funded by the German Federal Government and the European Union, the Association of Ukrainian Cities announces a contest to select the hromadas of small towns including AHs (AUC members) for participation in the project “Promotion of the Strategic Development of Small Town Hromadas”.

Selected hromadas of small towns, including AHs, will receive support in the preparation of strategic and program documents. It covers a set of practical activities which shall result in the preparation of draft development strategies for hromadas, implementation plans for these strategies and relevant monitoring systems.

The commission set up at the AUC will host a contest to select ten hromadas of small towns, including AHs (AUC members), for which the respective strategic and program documents will be prepared.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



competition plan


Асоціація міст України

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