International Forum “reVIVEd Ukraine – reVIVEd communities”, organised by the Association of Ukrainian Cities

On June 2, 2022, the Association of Ukrainian Cities will conduct the Forum “reVIVEd Ukraine – reVIVEd communities” in Kyiv.

The event will be held in a mixed offline and online format.

Aim of the Forum is to determine the architecture of the revived Ukraine in all spheres of municipal life, work out further mechanisms of cooperation between municipalities in Ukraine and cities of the world, their associations, areas of cooperation for the implementation of Ukraine’s Reconstruction Programme announced by the President of Ukraine.

Participants: representatives of foreign associations of local and regional authorities, heads of Ukrainian municipalities and municipalities from other countries, representatives of diplomatic missions, international organisations, MPs of Ukraine, representatives of public authorities, experts, scientists, media.

The results of the Forum and the video will be published on the AUC website.



02.06.2022 - 08:56 | Views: 2137
International Forum “reVIVEd Ukraine – reVIVEd communities”, organised by the Association of Ukrainian Cities


AUC forum


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