Urban-type settlement head: “I cannot and do not want to explain to people the game played by the CEC”

Decentralisation.gov.ua asked village heads, AH initiators, about the possible consequences of demarche of the Central Election Commission, that does not appoint elections in amalgamated hromadas (the list of these hromadas is available here).


Irena Lisova, Hryshkivtsi settlement head, initiator of formation of the Hryshkovetska AH of the Berdychiv Rayon, Zhytomyr Oblast:

“I'm so tired of the ineffective attempts to amalgamate hromadas, that I do not even want to talk about this topic. A bit more – and people will not want to form any AH. And personally I, the one, who initiated AH establishment two years ago, have a lot of disappointment in this regard. Those people from above, perhaps, do not understand that we, village heads, need to explain something to people. They came to the general meeting, made a decision to amalgamate, and now they ask me: “Why is the AH still not formed? A whole year has passed!” And I cannot explain to everyone the sophisticated game, played by the CEC. And frankly speaking, I do not want to explain it. It would have been so good, if the elections had been scheduled for October this year. Then we would have been able to form all departments and management of the new AH in time, entering the new year with a new budget. But I see that the possibility of returning to the old model is not excluded. How can I feel no frustration in this case, after two years of useless efforts?”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



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