First hromadas with centres in cities of oblast significance formed

On 17 August, the procedures for the formation of two hromadas with centres in the cities of oblast significance were completed.

The Rzhyshchivska hromada was formed in the Kyiv Oblast, and the Voznesenska hromada was established in the Mykolayiv Oblast.

These are the first cities of oblast significance that have undergone all stages of accession in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Voluntary Amalgamation of Hromadas”.

As far as that was an accession to the cities of oblast significance, no additional elections are required.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

20.08.2018 - 14:28 | Views: 15022
First hromadas with centres in cities of oblast significance formed


amalgamation of hromadas accession


Київська область Миколаївська область


Асоціація міст України

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