Voznesensk is first city of oblast significance in Mykolayiv Oblast to become AH centre

“On 17 August at the session of the city council we will decide on joining the Novhryhorivka village council, and then continue working as an AH. From 1 January 2019, we will reach the joint budget,” commented Yuriy Putiy, deputy mayor of Voznesensk on the issues of the executive bodies of the council.

Due to accession to Voznesensk will have the opportunity to expand the territory, and residents of the Novhrygorivka hromada will be able to join the “Voznesensk resident card” programme, which is the key to electronic medical card, as well as provides privileged transportation in public transport and discounts in stores, use modern ASC services and receive healthcare services in a modern hospital, etc.

It should be mentioned that capable Buzka and Prybuzka AHs have already been formed near Voznesensk city.

13.08.2018 - 09:25 | Views: 18120
Voznesensk is first city of oblast significance in Mykolayiv Oblast to become AH centre


amalgamation of hromadas accession


Миколаївська область


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