On 13 July, the powers of the State Architectural and Building Control Department of the Hlyboka settlement council of the Chernivtsi Oblast were extended to another two settlements. These are the villages of Cherepkivtsi and Novyi Vovchynets, that joined the Hlyboka settlement amalgamated hromada.
In the framework of decentralisation of the state architectural and building control system hromadas receive functions of administrative service provision in the field of construction, independent control over the construction process, as well as the powers to stop unlawful construction work and bring violators of urban planning legislation to responsibility.
Thus, the residents of the villages of Cherepkivtsi and Novyi Vovchynets can now apply to a newly formed body, located at the address: Hlyboka village, 1, Shevchenko street, regarding all issues of state architectural and building control.
18 December 2024
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