The Parliament made a step to regulate the powers of the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate on the ground, - Hennadii Zubko

The Parliament supported in the first reading the draft law No. 7266-1 “On Regulation of urban Development Activities” regarding the legal mechanism for the transfer, termination or temporary suspension of the powers of state architectural and construction control bodies of the village, settlement and city councils. It provides an opportunity to strengthen the supervision over the state architectural and construction control bodies, that received powers at the local level, as informed by Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, on his FB page.

"Its adoption will finally complete legislative reforming of the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate bodies on the ground. Together with accession of the newly formed bodies to the e-service “Transparent State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate”, the draft law will provide additional opportunities in the fight against corruption in the process of issuing permits for construction,” said Hennadii Zubko.

The draft law establishes clear mechanisms for the transfer, termination or temporary suspension of powers of executive bodies on issues of state architectural and construction control of rural, settlement and city councils.

It is indicated that the possibility of termination or temporary suspension of powers of the state architectural and construction control of the village, settlement, city councils is carried out under a corresponding application of the local self-government body or following the results of an audit. Currently, such functions are exercised by the central executive authority, which implements the state policy on issues of state architectural and construction control and supervision.

The draft law envisages the possibility of re-transfer of the powers and restoration of temporarily suspended powers of executive bodies on issues of state architectural and construction control of the village, settlement and city councils.


20.11.2018 - 15:00 | Views: 8804
The Parliament made a step to regulate the powers of the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate on the ground, - Hennadii Zubko


H.Zubko State Architectural and Building Inspection


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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