Kolomyia urban AH received expanded powers from State Architecture and Construction Inspectorate

The recovery of the process of decentralisation of the functions of State Architecture and Construction Inspectorate allowed giving independence in urban planning to another amalgamated hromada.

On December 17, 2019 the respective Act of Acceptance and Transfer of business was signed by Olexander Strokach, Acting Head of the State Architecture and Construction Inspectorate of Ukraine and Ihor Sliuzar, Mayor of Kolomyia.

In total, this is 13th AH in Ukraine, which will independently control the construction on its territory.

“The example of Kolomyia is a confirmation that leverages of State Architecture and Construction Inspectorate are necessary to conscious hromadas. Having three years of experience in urban development, the city, already being the part of AH, has already expressed a desire to control the construction activity on its territory. Reform of Local Self-Government remains one of the priorities of government policy today. Therefore, State Architecture and Construction Inspectorate is doing its utmost to ensure that, in the field of construction, decentralisation will cover as many settlements in Ukraine as possible,” stated Olexander Strokach, the Acting Head of State Architecture and Construction Inspectorate of Ukraine.


State Architectural and Building Inspection


Івано-Франківська область


Коломийська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


Державна архітектурно-будівельна інспекція України

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