Going along amalgamation roads. Experts comment on processes of capable AHs’ formation in Vinnytsia Oblast

There are 35 amalgamated hromadas operating in the Vinnytsia Oblast, 10 more are potentially ready to amalgamate, and 16 settlements are in the process of accession to 6 AHs, including the decision to establish an urban AH with its centre in the city of Khmilnyk of the Vinnytsia Oblast.

Experts of the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre, operating with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, held informational and consultative discussions in the village of Osychna of the Orativ Rayon on accession to the Orativska AH, in the village of Sulkivka, Khmelnytskyi Oblast – regarding the accession to the Zhdanivska AH, in the village of Kostyantynivka of the Lypovets Rayon – on accession to the Staroprylutska AH. According to the LGDC experts, village hromadas continue to discuss and prepare to make decisions at extraordinary sessions of their councils.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

16.07.2018 - 11:44 | Views: 14523

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amalgamation of hromadas accession


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