Head of Lebedyn RSA: “We will wait for establishment of the Lebedynska AH “from above” in 2020”

The Sumy Oblast continues to decentralise. Amalgamation and accession processes take place in 16 rayons of the Sumy Oblast, except for the Shostka and Lebedyn ones. The stance of Viktor Khymych, head of the Lebedyn Rayon State Administration, opens the veil regarding the future perspective Lebedynska AH – it is not going to be established in the nearest future, as according to the official, the time to implement the reform has not yet come.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

16.07.2018 - 10:59 | Views: 16502
Head of Lebedyn RSA: “We will wait for establishment of the Lebedynska AH “from above” in 2020”


amalgamation of hromadas


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