Hryhorii Vahapov, frontman of “Vpershe Chuyu” music band, organises cycling tour in support of decentralisation

An unprecedented campaign in support of the decentralisation reform “Let's shake up the diversity of villages with cycling tour!” will take place on 13-16 July in the Cherkasy Oblast. The tour, held in the villages of the Katerynopil Rayon, is initiated by Hryhorii Vahapov, frontman of the music band “Vpershe Chuyu” (ed. “Hear for the first time”) and famous biker. He leads the initiative public group for the formation of the Katerynopilska AH.

“We plan to ride to every village, meet people, talk with them about the reform, see the opportunities and prospects of these villages, their uniqueness, their ability to attract guests, partners, and investors,” notes Hryhorii Vahapov. “Our bicycle tour will be joined by Ivan Hehedosh, head of the urban-type settlement of Katerynopil. If all local leaders were as ready for novelty perception, we would have a much better chance of improving our lives by means of innovations and reforms... There are already two amalgamated hromadas in the Katerynopil Rayon – we will also visit them to see the changes in people's life after the reform in our own eyes. We will also share their experience with people who live in yet non-amalgamated villages, since exactly something unknown and unclear can cause fear. We want to dispel all the myths. The next step after such a campaign is to hold public hearings on what our future hromada should be.”


27.06.2018 - 09:53 | Views: 12686
Hryhorii Vahapov, frontman of “Vpershe Chuyu” music band, organises cycling tour in support of decentralisation


amalgamation of hromadas


Черкаська область


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