One more hromada in Zhytomyr Oblast received OSA’s conclusion

The Chudnivska hromada received a conclusion from the Zhytomyr Oblast State Administration on the compliance of draft resolutions on the voluntary amalgamation of nine rural hromadas around the city of Chudniv with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. The corresponding resolution was signed by the OSA head.

This is the third conclusion for perspective hromadas, previously they were received by Hryshkivetska and Rayhorodska hromadas of the Berdychiv Rayon. These decisions allow the Zhytomyr Oblast to remain leader in the process of implementing the decentralisation reform, that is confirmed by the monthly monitoring of MinRegion.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

19.06.2018 - 13:22 | Views: 13398

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amalgamation of hromadas


Житомирська область


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