City of Pryluky became 100th hromada to receive powers of state architectural and building control
Decentralisation of city planning powers has allowed to identify truly responsible hromadas, willing to develop their territories and actually taking measures, emphasised Oleksiy Kudryavtsev, Head of the State Architectural and Construction Inspection of Ukraine, during the transfer of functions of the architectural and building control to the city of Pryluky, which became the 100th hromada, participant of the reform.
“Decentralisation has shown that hromadas in deed, and not in words, want to develop, and are not looking for excuses or reasons for their inactivity. After all, the reform gave everyone equal opportunities to build their own settlements, based on individual needs, attract investors and implement socially important projects. Today we have one hundred such hromadas – real hosts of their territory,” said Oleksiy Kudryavtsev.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

State Architectural and Building Inspection
Чернігівська областьSource:

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