Khust city in Zakarpattia Oblast received state architectural and building control powers

The hromada of Khust of the Zakarpattia Oblast received the powers within the framework of decentralisation of the system of state architectural and building control. The relevant act was signed on 5 June between Oleksiy Kudryavtsev, head of the State Architectural and Construction Inspection of Ukraine, and Volodymyr Kashchuk, Khust city mayor.

Khust became the 2nd city in the Zakarpattia Oblast and 99th in Ukraine to independently control construction works on its territory. Volodymyr Kashchuk noted that the city authorities would do everything possible to make the city reach the leading position.

As to the plans of the new body in the structure of the city authorities, he said: “We will be tolerant on all issues related to state architectural and building control”.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

06.06.2018 - 16:37 | Views: 8808
Khust city in Zakarpattia Oblast received state architectural and building control powers


State Architectural and Building Inspection


Закарпатська область


Прес-служба ДАБІ

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