Slovyansk became Donetsk Oblast’s 10th city that received urban planning authority

The city of Slovyansk in the Donetsk Oblast joined the process of decentralisation of the state architectural and building control system. It is the 10th settlement in the oblast and the 98th in the country, which will independently control the urban-planning activity on its territory.

The local hromada received the architectural and building control functions regarding the construction facilities of small and medium consequence class (liability), which, in particular, includes private homes, commercial buildings, business facilities as well as apartment buildings, social facilities, trade, entertainment and office complexes.

The newly formed body will register permit documents for the beginning of construction work, conduct inspections at construction sites and accept ready-made facilities into operation. In addition, the local inspection will have the right to stop unauthorised construction and bring law violators to justice.

New functions will enable the hromada to effectively influence the urban planning situation within its territory, formulate proposals and implement projects based on immediate needs. In addition, city residents now have the opportunity to quickly register permits for their own construction, without going beyond the boundaries of the settlement.

For all the questions concerning the state architectural and building control in Slavyansk please apply to the newly formed body, located at: 2, Soborna square.


State Architectural and Building Inspection


Донецька область


Урядовий портал

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