Zhytomyr and village of Veresy made first step towards amalgamation

At the public hearings, the community of Veresy decided to start the process of merging with Zhytomyr, thus the amalgamated hromada will be formed around the oblast centre. More than 200 villagers came to the hearings to decide on the hromada's'future.

“We gave a refusal to the village of Hlybochytsya, we gave a refusal to the village of Oliyivka, and today we have the only one option - with the city of Zhytomyr. We must weigh all the pros and cons and finally make this decision until it is made for us,” said Oleksandr Shut, head of the village of Veresy.

75 villagers voted for joining Zhytomyr, and 63 villagers voted against it. Thus, the village head should put a decision on merging with Zhytomyr for the next session of the village council, after which a joint working group will be set up to work out a decision on merging the village and the city.


amalgamation of hromadas accession


Житомирська область


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