12 young families will get free housing in Verbuvativka, - Valentyn Reznichenko

Reconstruction of a two-storied building for 12 families is being completed in Verbuvativka of the Yuryivka Rayon. Doctors, teachers, educators will receive the keys to apartments they have long dreamed of. This will motivate young professionals to stay and work in the countryside, announced Valentyn Reznichenko, head of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration.

"Decentralisation opened more opportunities for hromadas of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. They receive additional financial resources for infrastructure development. Construction of social housing is an evidence of the fact that the reform is in action. Namely, we are reconstructing a two-story building for young families in the village of Verbuvativka of the Varvarivska amalgamated hromada," said Valentyn Reznichenko.

At present, the reconstruction of the house is almost completed. Landscaping is taking place around the two-storied building, and the playground is ready to welcome children.

The hromada hopes that a social house will not only keep the youth in the rural area, but will also become a decoration of the settlement.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



Дніпропетровська область


Варварівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада


Сайт Дніпропетровської ОДА

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