Cabinet of Ministers will check efficiency of using local government funds for decentralisation and socio-economic programmes, - Oleksandr Sayenko

The Government intends to test the effectiveness of usage of funds, allocated to the ground within the frames of the decentralisation reform and other governmental programmes. Those guilty of the corrupt practices will be punished, - said Oleksandr Sayenko, Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

"Of course, we have the issue of funds’ use efficiency on the agenda. In addition to the resources that were transferred in the framework of decentralisation, about UAH 38 billion are allocated by the Government to the ground through various programmes. The Prime Minister, as the author of the reform, demands that these funds be used correctly," noted Oleksandr Sayenko in an interview with “Obozrevatel”.

Besides, he emphasised a “very strict” stance of the Prime Minister on the use of funds allocated by the Government for the construction of roads.

"I sincerely feel pity for the one, who built a low-quality road. We have allocated a lot of funding from the state budget. The Prime Minister will personally take part in the monitoring and inspection of roads, since that was he, who initiated a large-scale road construction," mentioned the Minister.

He noted that this year the Government has allocated an "unprecedented budget" – UAH 45 billion – for the construction and repair of roads, which is significantly more than UAH 29.2 billion, allocated last year. "Local authorities, contractors should be fully responsible. If budget funds were abused, then this is a question for law enforcement officers and they are ready to join investigation of such issues. The State Audit Service is currently working on a large number of facts," said Oleksandr Sayenko.

He stressed that the Government would respond to abuses within its competence. As an example, he cited the situation of last winter, when a significant traffic jam formed on the Odesa highway as a result of bad weather conditions. Then the Government dismissed the head of the rayon, who "did not clear the highway, did not provide the opportunity for people in such a situation to warm up, drink hot tea." "In such cases, it is necessary to react quickly and rigorously, just like we are doing", underlined the Minister.

11.05.2018 - 11:30 | Views: 9509
Cabinet of Ministers will check efficiency of using local government funds for decentralisation and socio-economic programmes, - Oleksandr Sayenko


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