We will either launch this process, or stay behind it, and development will be very slow, - expert on amalgamation of hromadas with oblast centres

There are several options able to intensify economic and social development in Ukraine: the first is the establishment of amalgamated hromadas with centres in the cities of oblast significance, the second is the formation of agglomerations, and the third one concerns the use of the mechanism of hromadas’ cooperation, informed Ihor Parasyuk, director of the USAID Pulse project, in the "Modern Hromada" programme of the Ukrainian Radio.

"But the efficiency of each of these options is completely different in terms of development. The countries with the largest GDP volume per capita follow the scenario No 1 and No 2, namely, the United States or China. For example, the Grand Paris initiative brought together more than 100 settlements and they work together on the development of territories," said Ihor Parasyuk.

The expert stressed that without establishment of AHs with centres in cities of oblast significance or agglomerations, economic development in the country will be slow.

"We will either launch this process or stay behind it, and the development will be very slow," he said.

The full version of the "Modern Hromada" programme with the participation of Ihor Parasyuk, as well as Serhiy Paladiychuk, Secretary of the Rivne City Council, can be found HERE

The "Modern Hromada" is issued with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme on Wednesdays, at 7:30 pm.

It should be noted that on 4 May President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed the Law on Voluntary Accession of Hromadas to Cities of Oblast Significance (Draft law No 6466).

Besides, draft law No 6743 "On Urban Agglomerations" was registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

10.05.2018 - 12:39 | Views: 7365
We will either launch this process, or stay behind it, and development will be very slow, - expert on amalgamation of hromadas with oblast centres




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