E-declarations of representatives of local councils: expert recommendations and explanations

The persons, authorised to perform the functions of the state or local self-government in 2017, must fill in an electronic declaration (hereinafter – e-declaration) by 1 April 2018.

Experts of the Analytical and Legal Group of the Central Reform Office under MinRegion prepared answers to the most acute questions of the local councils regarding the submission of e-declarations.

This publication is intended for local self-government officials, deputies of local councils and officials of the communal enterprises, institutions and organisations, where officials are subject to anti-corruption financial control.

Recommendations of the experts can be found HERE (pdf, 1,9 МB)

Additionally, the experts advise to review the collection of thematic explanations and videos posted by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention at this link: https://nazk.gov.ua/rozyasnennya-dlya-subyektiv-deklaruvannya.

12.03.2018 - 16:16 | Views: 43120
E-declarations of representatives of local councils: expert recommendations and explanations


legal counselling legal counselling corruption Vira Kozina


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