Students engaged in hromadas’ development in Rivne Oblast

The Rivne Local Government Development Centre and NGO “Rivne Marketing Research Centre" announced the launch of a regional competition of student projects "Development of Hromadas".

"Such a creative competition was initiated with the purpose of activating project management skills and student entrepreneurship for the development of amalgamated hromadas," said Taras Mykytyn, expert of the Rivne LGDC, during the competition presentation. According to him, AHs need the developments that would improve, in particular, the field of production on the ground and social environment. Innovations in job creation are especially relevant.

Students of the Ukrainian higher educational institutions, irrespective of the forms of ownership and subordination, including foreigners, may take part in the competition. It is held from 1 March to 15 April 2018.

The collection of works of Rivne scientists "Scientific foundations and implementation of world practices of local self-government and communities’ amalgamation" will be a peculiar manual for contestants in the process of projects’ creation. It was presented by Ihor Sazonets, doctor of economic sciences, at the round table meeting held at the Rivne LGDC. The book is published with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

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Рівненська область


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