Bochechkivska AH: present and future

The Bochechkivska AH, located 18 kilometres from Konotop, amalgamated about 4 thousand residents of 4 village councils into one “family”. Over a short period of time, less than a year, it managed to implement a lot of social projects, involving both own funds and finances from different sources.

“This year we have tried to bring social services closer to our residents by creating the positions of an HR inspector, social work specialist and child care service specialist within the personnel structure of the village council. The introduction of these posts is advantageous for the population, since the institutions providing these services used to be located in the town of Konotop. For example, to get a certificate from the employment centre, the resident of the Bochechkivska AH had to spend 5-6 hours, of which about 2 hours to get to the institution,” said Svitlana Hrachenko, head of the Bochechkivska AH.

For 2018, the hromada has planned to resolve several more issues most frequently faced by the AH residents: reconstruct the dining room of the Bochechky educational complex, renovate the heating system and complete all repairs in the Bochechky culture club, and build a water supply system in the village of Kozatske. The issues of green tourism development will be considered as well.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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