Daniel Popescu: Ukraine has travelled almost half of territorial reform path

Daniel Popescu, Ukraine’s special advisor on decentralisation, talks about the challenges faced by Ukraine, voluntary amalgamation of hromadas, as well as what to do with hromadas not willing  to amalgamate.

During the visit to the headquarters of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg (France), “The Variants” had the chance to meet with Daniel Popescu, head of the II Democratic Governance Directorate General of the Council of Europe, and Special Advisor to the Government of Ukraine on Decentralisation (2016-2017). As a result, the journalists outlined the most interesting moments of the discussion on the decentralisation reform in Ukraine.

Daniel Popescu: “I am still an advisor on decentralisation to Ukraine, despite the fact that I left Kyiv in June. Today, I am also engaged in administrative and electoral reforms in the countries of Europe.”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click on «Українською».



D.Popescu Council of Europe



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