Objective Measurements of the Decentralisation Break down Subjective Assessments by Non-Believers, Zubko about the Reform Monitoring Data  

The Ministry of Regional Development published updated monthly monitoring data on the decentralisation of power and local self-government reforming process.

"In terms of objective measurements and figures, there are obvious results of the reform, which fact undermines subjective assessments and discontent of non-believers", Hennadii Zubko, Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, noted commenting the results of the monitoring.

According to the monitoring, the top five Oblasts (Regions) in the ATCs establishment rating include the following ones: Khmelnytskyi, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv, Volynska, and Dnepropetrovsk Oblasts.

The revenues of the general fund of all local budgets in Ukraine totalled UAH 134.9 billion over nine months of the year. In comparison with the most recent year, the increase totalled UAH 31.1 billion or +29.8%. The earned revenues of local budgets of the 366 amalgamated territorial communities have increased by 1.8 times or by UAH 2.8 billion and totalled UAH 6.3 billion.

The decentralisation in the area of education has also significant achievements. In comparison with the most recent month, the number of pivotal schools in Ukraine has increased by 26. Now, they total 441 schools, 135 of which are established in the amalgamated territorial communities.

Such tool of development as the cooperation of territorial communities also gains pace. Over the most recent month, about 30 additional communities entered into 9 cooperation agreements. In total, there are 104 cooperation agreements entered into between 487 communities in Ukraine. The areas where they have combined their efforts include the housing and utilities, improvement of territory, fire protection, education, health care, and social security.

The communities are self-confidently resolving any issues pertaining to the provision of administrative services in their territory. The monitoring fixed the establishment of 46 Administrative Service Centres (ASCs) specifically in the amalgamated territorial communities. In total, there are 715 ASCs operating at various levels in Ukraine.

"On the basis of this monitoring, each region and each agency responsible for any areas of the reform may assess the performance of tasks assigned to them", Hennadii Zubko said.

You can find more details on the Monitoring data HERE

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