V.Groysman: members of Constitutional Commission workgroups are to be approved on April 15

At the next meeting of the Constitutional Commission scheduled for April 15, it is planned to approve the members of workgroups that will work on introduction of amendments into the Ukrainian Constitution.

This statement was made by the Chairperson of the Ukrainian Parliament and head of the Constitutional Commission Volodymyr Groysman at a briefing after the first Commission meeting.

Groysman said that the work of the Commission would be organized along the three trends: human rights, judicial reform, and organization of decentralization of power, and local self-governance.

The Head of the Parliament noted that the constitutional amendments as to decentralization of power should be approved by the Parliament before autumn, when, presumably, local elections would be held.

The head of the Commission noted that the constitutional reform was being launched to ensure proper non-conflicting system of state government in our country. “Ukraine and Ukrainians need the Commission to let everyone understand how to live on, what rules to adhere to in the future,” he said, and added: “we are heading for real results.”

At the meeting of a conciliatory council formed of heads of deputy factions, groups, and parliamentary committees, the Head of Verkhovna Rada said that today “is the start for the constitutional process” — the first meeting of the Constitutional Commission that was established by the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko took place. The Commission includes the best specialists in constitutional law, representatives of parliamentary factions, and international experts.

Groysman expressed confidence that the introduction of amendments into the Ukrainian Constitution would take place under participation of “all people's deputies, all factions — both factions of the coalition and factions, and people's deputies, who do not belong to parliamentary majority,” “as it is high time to reform the country and ensure inevitability of reforms.”

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