Groysman: Constitutional Commission will start working with elaboration of amendments on decentralization of power, judicial reform, and protection of human rights

The Constitutional Commission will start its work with elaboration of the amendments on decentralization of power, reformation of judicial system, and protection of human rights. The statement was made by the Head of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and head of the Constitutional Commission Volodymyr Groysman at the first meeting of the Commission on Monday, April 6.

The Head of the Parliament noted that at present Ukrainian citizens were struggling for the European future to turn the country into a modern European state, in which the major values would be the people and their rights. He noted that these were the constitutional amendments to ensure inevitability of the selected path, and irreversible character of the reforms. “No one will be able to turn us to other direction, to make us betray the values all our citizens are currently fighting for,” Groysman said.

I am privileged to head the Constitutional Commission in such a responsible period of time. I am convinced that members of the Commission are chosen from among the best candidates, in terms of both professionalism and representation,” Groysman said.

He also said that the goals the Commission was facing represented a great responsibility, lying on the members of the Authority. “We have to be very effective, move forward dynamically, in order to ensure the result of Commission’s activity, not only the process,” he stressed, having expressed confidence, that, in accordance to the set priorities “a quality action plan, aimed at introduction of specific amendments into the Basic Law”, would be developed.

Groysman encouraged Commission members to “maximally consolidate”, ensure “inclusiveness of the process of discussion, exchange of thoughts and ideas, and consensus that will allow us to introduce these amendments and provide an effective model of state management, combining efforts of the President, Parliament and the Government.” “I’d like the members of the Constitutional Commission to become a powerful, strong team; team of patriots, capable of doing an excellent job; of doing their best to make every amendment, which is to be implemented, a fair reply to the question posed by the society and by each Ukrainian citizen: “what today and tomorrow are going to be” Groysman said.

The Head of the Parliament also assured that as the head of the Commission he would do his best to “ensure openness, publicity, and transparency at every level.”

He said that it would be relevant to organize the work of the Commission at the level of groups of specialists that would develop decisions in the areas of their competence, and then submit them for discussion with broad-scale involvement of the public.

“We are creating the Constitution for the country, for the people, and we have to ensure unity of authority branches, preserve the balance of the authority, prevent conflicts, and do it together with the Ukrainian citizens,” he stressed. The Head of the Ukrainian Parliament also said that the decentralization of power would make Ukraine strong, and the reformation of state management on the whole would ensure reliable effective model of state management, where each level of the power would have its own competence, obligations, and responsibility.

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