Albuquerque to join the restoration of Kharkiv. The cities are going to become partners soon
Albuquerque to join the restoration of Kharkiv. The cities are going to become partners soon

Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov and the US city of Albuquerque Mayor Timothy Keller have signed a protocol of intent to establish partner city relations.

This is reported by the official website of the Kharkiv City Council.

During the online meeting, Timothy Keller noted that Albuquerque stands to help Kharkiv with concrete actions. The city is ready to provide assistance in the restoration of Kharkiv, as well as implement joint projects in transport infrastructure and social security.

"Our relationship can serve as a unique example for other cities in the United States," said Timothy Keller.

In turn, Ihor Terekhov noted that Kharkiv pins great hopes on partnership with Albuquerque.

"We really appreciate your willingness to help Kharkiv with the security and restoration of our municipality. We do share common values, primarily democratic principles. Our cities are focused on economic well-being, innovation, and entrepreneurial development. These are the areas we wish to deepen, and would appreciate your support. This will ultimately facilitate communication between the residents of Kharkiv and Albuquerque," said Ihor Terekhov.

The parties will sign a memorandum on establishing partnerships in July during the visit of the US delegation to Kharkiv.

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