Brovary acquired new twin cities in Germany
Brovary acquired new twin cities in Germany

The city of Brovary and the German cities of Erlangen and Jena have become twin cities.

Mayor of Brovary Ihor Sapozhko, Lord Mayor of Erlangen Florian Janik and Lord Mayor of Jena Thomas Nitzsche signed an agreement to launch a partnership of solidarity and support.

This was announced by the Mayor of Brovary who noted that the document was signed online.

“I conveyed sincere gratitude from the residents of our municipality for the already provided humanitarian aid from Jena and Erlangen: clothes, generators, medical equipment and medicines, special purpose vehicles for our communal enterprises, for the warm welcome of our delegation in Erlangen, and, most importantly, for understanding the situation and supporting the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their freedom and a free life on their land,” Ihor Sapozhko wrote on the social network.

Earlier, the Office of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine emphasised that “Scaling the network of solidarity partnership between Ukrainian and foreign municipalities and regions will create a basis for close long-term cooperation. All parties need such cooperation. At the same time, it is important that each of our municipalities has its own case of current needs and post-war plans for the strategic development of the territory.”

We would like to remind you that the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine is preparing an international summit of cities and regions for April.


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