How «Breakfast with the Municipality Head» is changing municipality life

The article by Dmytro Synyak is dedicated to unusual cases by the Shyrokivska municipality of the Zaporizhia oblast in the sphere of communicative policy.

Monthly the head of the Shyrokivska municipality Denys Korotenko has an unusual meeting. In the morning he goes to the municipality resident, having gained the right to participate in the «Breakfast with the Municipality Head», and together they head for the café. There, over a cup of coffee, the winner has an opportunity to pose any questions, including private ones – the municipality head is sure to be open for everybody. The conversation usually lasts for about an hour. «Breakfast with the Municipality Head» has turned from a PR-event into an integral part of the municipality head’s ordinary work.



report komunikatsii Denys Korotenko


Запорізька область


Широківська територіальна громада


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