January, 19 – online-training for municipality communication experts «How to interest reporters and thought leaders»

Thought leaders in municipalities are experts and activists, highly trusted by residents. Around their personality they gather the audience they are interesting for and they can influence. Thought leaders’ and reporters’ stance affects the discussion progress: they are trusted, their choice is appreciated. To efficiently implement decisions, local authorities have to be able to involve such people in cooperation and dialogue.

The training to be held from 11 A.M. till 1 P.M. on January, 19, at Zoom is targeted to information experts, working in local self-government bodies and ASCs, other persons, responsible for communication in municipalities, as well as specialists, performing the adjacent functions.

The registration is open by January, 17, at: https://bit.ly/3FtjVzM.

12.01.2022 - 16:22 | Views: 4935
January, 19 – online-training for municipality communication experts «How to interest reporters and thought leaders»


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