The Parliament has established Working group, drafting propositions on amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of decentralisation

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has established Working group, drafting complex legislative propositions on amending the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of decentralisation. The respective order was signed on December, 16, by the Head of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk.

«For the purpose of enhancing Зthe constitutional pillars of the local self-government under the European Charter on Local Self-Government, improving the efficiency of the local self-government system, able to ensure optimal conditions for human rights and freedoms, enhancing municipality capability and responsibility for its development, improving the administrative and territorial arrangement pillars of Ukraine and creating preconditions of territories sustainable development: to establish Working group, drafting complex legislative propositions on amending the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of decentralization, including members of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the public authorities organization, local self-government, regional and urban development, as well as the Committee on the legislative policy», the order states.

16.12.2021 - 14:00 | Views: 3335
The Parliament has established Working group, drafting propositions on amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of decentralisation




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