Powerful municipalities are an important constituent of strengthening democracy in Ukraine, - professor Milbradt

Involving citizens in participating in municipality urgent issues discussion and developing important decisions will contribute to democracy enhancement and social and economic development of Ukraine.

The idea was expressed by Special Envoy of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Ukrainian reform in the areas of governance and decentralization Georg Milbradt on July, 29, at the XVІ-th Ukrainian Municipal Forum.

«I am happy to be able to address this municipal forum as its organiser – the Association of Ukrainian Cities – is an important participant of all-Ukrainian processes. As for the changes Ukraine is undergoing now, I would like to recognize efforts of the government, the parliament and members of the Association of Ukrainian Cities in local self-government reorganization to be successful. We can observe that only a capable municipality having sufficient resources can develop properly. Vital steps towards self-government have been taken, so, it can be claimed that the result is satisfactory», - said mister Milbradt.

30.07.2021 - 11:11 | Views: 3638
Powerful municipalities are an important constituent of strengthening democracy in Ukraine, - professor Milbradt


Georg Milbradt international support



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