25 March 2025
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Georg Milbradt
Georg Milbradt

Спеціальний посланник уряду Федеративної Республіки Німеччини з питань децентралізації

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Олексій Кулеба обговорив зі спеціальним посланником уряду Німеччини процес децентралізації в Україні Олексій Кулеба обговорив зі спеціальним посланником уряду Німеччини процес децентралізації в Україні
Strong municipalities are essential for the stability of Ukraine: Oleksii Kuleba met with Georg Milbradt Strong municipalities are essential for the stability of Ukraine: Oleksii Kuleba met with Georg Milbradt
Важливо постійно нагадувати світові, за що б’ються наші люди, громади і вся Україна, – В’ячеслав Негоди під час зустрічі Георгом Мільбрадтом

Важливо постійно нагадувати світові, за що б’ються наші люди, громади і вся Україна, – В’ячеслав Негоди під час зустрічі Георгом Мільбрадтом
«Kyiv has to obtain opportunities of independent local self-government just like other municipalities of Ukraine», - Georg Milbradt «Kyiv has to obtain opportunities of independent local self-government just like other municipalities of Ukraine», - Georg Milbradt
Reorganised municipalities are already functioning, it is high time for rayon functions to be renewed, - Georg Milbradt Reorganised municipalities are already functioning, it is high time for rayon functions to be renewed, - Georg Milbradt
Powerful municipalities are an important constituent of strengthening democracy in Ukraine, - professor Milbradt Powerful municipalities are an important constituent of strengthening democracy in Ukraine, - professor Milbradt
Denys Shmyhal and Georg Milbradt have discussed the decentralization realization in Ukraine Denys Shmyhal and Georg Milbradt have discussed the decentralization realization in Ukraine
Next steps of local self-government reform: development of municipalities Next steps of local self-government reform: development of municipalities
Decentralisation in Ukraine has been discussed during the Ukrainian-German intergovernmental negotiations Decentralisation in Ukraine has been discussed during the Ukrainian-German intergovernmental negotiations
All AHs will get 60% personal income tax. Special Envoy of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany has appreciated the decentralisation consistency All AHs will get 60% personal income tax. Special Envoy of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany has appreciated the decentralisation consistency
MinRegion and Special Envoy of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Ukrainian reform in the areas of governance and decentralisation made sure they are on the same decentralisation page MinRegion and Special Envoy of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Ukrainian reform in the areas of governance and decentralisation made sure they are on the same decentralisation page
Do not reinvent the wheel, just choose one of the ready options to complete decentralisation, - Georg Milbradt addressed MPs Do not reinvent the wheel, just choose one of the ready options to complete decentralisation, - Georg Milbradt addressed MPs
Ukraine and Germany to continue their cooperation in implementing decentralisation Ukraine and Germany to continue their cooperation in implementing decentralisation
Decentralisation cannot be rolled back because the reform is too popular among people Decentralisation cannot be rolled back because the reform is too popular among people
I can't imagine who of sound mind would like to come back to the Soviet centralised system, - Georg Milbradt I can't imagine who of sound mind would like to come back to the Soviet centralised system, - Georg Milbradt