«Kyiv has to obtain opportunities of independent local self-government just like other municipalities of Ukraine», - Georg Milbradt

«Draft Law On the Capital of Ukraine – the City of Kyiv is being discussed currently. The Ukrainian capital’s feature is that it doesn’t have local self-government. The mayor is at the same time the head of the state administration and the problem has to be solved. Kyiv has to obtain opportunities of independent local self-government just like other municipalities of Ukraine», - said Special Envoy of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Ukrainian reform in the areas of governance and decentralization Georg Milbradt during negotiations within cooperation for the sake of development between the Governments of Ukraine and the Federative Republic of Germany.

02.12.2021 - 09:28 | Views: 3036
«Kyiv has to obtain opportunities of independent local self-government just like other municipalities of Ukraine», - Georg Milbradt


Georg Milbradt international experience


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