Hromadas and rayons have to get to the negotiation table and define the faith of communal facilities, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

Everybody is waiting for the President to sign law 3651-d, without which most hromadas councils and all newly established rayon councils can’t start functioning. However, hromadas and rayons may begin negotiating the communal property faith, administered by rayon councils. It mustn’t be possible for a single school, hospital or any other communal institution to decrease the services quality and affordability because hromadas and rayons have failed to agree on the issue.

«Certain rayon councils can be foreseen to hold to such a stance – «we won’t give it away as it is our facility so we’ll go on administering it». Such rayons can be answered like this: the amendments to the Budget Code, passed in September, stipulate that from the next year almost all the money from the rayon level will be transferred to hromadas, first of all, the income tax. Thus, at the rayon level there will be no resources left to maintain the network of health care, educational, social establishments, etc. So, I suggest that rayon councils should assess their possibilities and keep up with the resources for communal facilities maintenance having been transferred to hromadas. We have publicized the preliminary information about tax possibilities of hromadas and rayons for them to be aware of their resources for next year», - said Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, during the new local self-government online-forum by the Association of AHs.


26.11.2020 - 14:44 | Views: 30887
Hromadas and rayons have to get to the negotiation table and define the faith of communal facilities, - Vyacheslav Nehoda




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27.11.2020 - 17:23
перше асоціація отг - кишенькова асоціація Негоди,, про що говорить негода сам, того не розуміючи, зробив за допомогою кишенькової асоціації недолугу реформу, зробив нікому не потрібні райони, без функцій, а ще є РДА, які абсолютно нічого не роблять вже 4 роки, Негода схаменись!!!!
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27.11.2020 - 17:25
експерти просто відпрацьовують гроші, в мене буде дуже важлива розмова з DESPRO...далі буде!!
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