Constitution amendments in terms of decentralisation: another phase of the bill development has been completed

An inclusive process of developing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of decentralization is going on. The quarantine restrictions have affected the process of public consultations, so the scheduled and desired terms of the process have been postponed. Thus, the process had to be adapted and interactive online work had to be arranged. Lately online- and offline meetings have been held to enhance confidence, analyze the stances, to search for conceptual patterns, common vision and successful formulae.

Particularly, recently an important work phase has been completed – adjustment of the comparative chart of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine, formed by the working party (the Constitution Commission) on the basis of the previous phases of the process.

13.08.2020 - 18:10 | Views: 10217
Constitution amendments in terms of decentralisation: another phase of the bill development has been completed


Constitution Konstytutsiia obhovorennia

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