How to complete two reforms and launch an efficient local self-government system

If local elections are held at the term, defined by the Constitution, Ukrainians will be electing representatives to the local self-government bodies in October of 2020, and those willing to participate in the election as a candidate, should start preparing right now. The autumn election is known to be conducted on a new territorial basis. Will district councils be elected? What rules will there be for the participants? What challenges have to be met during the decentralization reform and the election reform simultaneously? These and many other questions were answered by the participants of the panel discussion «Decentralisation Reform and Local Election» within the OPORA election marathon «Local Election: Risks Evaluation and Decisions List».

Experts have drawn a conclusion that our country is on the right track, realizing two closely connected reforms. People’s deputy Vitalii Bezghin is quite optimistic, being sure that during the current session the Verkhovna Rada will consider and approve of all the legislative acts, necessary for the legislative provision of the election on a new territorial basis. The councilor of the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Ivan Lukerya assured the marathon participants that the decision on the hromada formation according to the perspective plans is the best of those currently possible, although not perfect.

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