AHs dole out money for the coronavirus counteraction in the Vinnytsia region

Vinnytsia hromadas additionally finance the sphere of medicine and introduce quarantine measures financed from the local budgets.

‘During quarantine and a great pressure on the medicine, territorial hromadas provide significant support in fighting the danger. Even facing the risk of failing to fill the local budgets, the regional AHs steer considerable amounts of money to implement measures aimed at preventing and counteracting the coronavirus infection’, - informs Inna Sviatna, a municipal fund and administration councilor of the U-LEAD Vinnytsia regional office.

Inna Sviatna points out that under the circumstances the overriding priority of hromadas is to balance the local budgets through implementing measures of saving and rational budget fund usage, minor expenditures reduction, etc.

02.04.2020 - 13:03 | Views: 10651
AHs dole out money for the coronavirus counteraction in the Vinnytsia region

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