‘In Poland a fine for the quarantine restrictions violation is up to PLN 30 thousand…’ - an interview with the deputy head of the Otvotsk town council

The deputy head of the town council of the 50-thousand town of Otvotsk, belonging to the Warsaw agglomeration, Arkadiush Kryzhanovskyi is getting ready for online-sessions, thinking over the volume of town assistance for businessmen and is surprised at the question about the local self-government assistance for a povit hospital.

An interview with the deputy head of the Otvotsk town council Arkadiush Kryzhanovskyi proved to be an absolute conventions break. On the one hand, he dwelt upon extremely severe state restrictions, related to the coronavirus pandemic counteraction. On the other hand, he described the challenges faced by the Polish self-government employees which are radically different from those encountered by their Ukrainian counterparts. As for the quarantine measures, it can be said that the Polish have outperformed Ukrainians in some aspects but in others Ukarainians are in advance of Poles. It cannot be judged now which restrictions are reasonable and which of them are not.


koronavirus healthcare report


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