The model of future rayons is not holy writ. An interview with Ihor Koliushko

Chairman of the Board of the Centre for Political and Legal Reforms Ihor Koliushko is sure that ordinary citizens will not spot the consolidation of rayons, planned «exclusively for the convenience of the state administration of its territories»

Ihor Koliushko created a version of the consolidated rayons project map in 2012. Two years later when the Concept of the Local Self-Government and Territorial Power Arrangement Reform was approved, the model created by him got chances for implementation. To tell the truth, there have appeared other project models of consolidated rayons: one of them having been proposed by Yuriy Hanushscvhak, the director of the Institute of Territories Development, another one – by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. Last autumn the Centre for Political and Legal Reforms held round tables in each region for the purpose of discussing the existing project propositions concerning the rayon consolidation. As a result it got another variant, recently represented in Kyiv, for the purpose of the issue of the future rayons format being discussed, involving everybody concerned.


I.Koliushko rayon


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