«It is a catastrophic error that we’ll have to regret soon», - Ihor Koliushko commented on possible repercussions of a failure to pass bill №3651
The Chairman of the Board of the Centre of Political and Legal Reforms Ihor Koliushko told the Decentralisation what is in store for Ukraine if the local elections are held at the background of the old rayon administrations and councils’ existence.
Last week the parliament failed voting for the draft of the Law on amending some enactments of Ukraine on introducing certain issues of activity of the state power and local self-government bodies, related to rayons formation (liquidation) (№ 3651). Two months ago this draft came to the Verkhovna Rada in the package with the drafts on the new rayons formation, however, the legislator decided to consider it separately. Finally, this consideration ended up with its being transferred for the repeated first reading and it lacked 14 votes to be passed. The draft should have regulated issues of reorganizing the local executive power and self-government bodies, legal succession of the communal and state property, budget resources, rights and other liabilities. In general, it was to have let the decentralization go on. The Decentralisation asked the Chairman of the Board of the Centre of Political and Legal Reforms Ihor Koliushko why the parliament had failed to pass such an important bill and what the repercussions for our country were if the status quo remained.

Прес-центр ініціативи «Децентралізація»

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