The government has defined the procedure for allotting subventions to rayon councils for 2022

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has defined the procedure for and conditions of allotting subventions from the state budget for local budgets for the purpose of funding certain expenditures of rayon councils, aimed at performing their duties. The appropriate ruling was approved by the Government at its meeting on January, 26.

According to Deputy Minister of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda, the subvention is targeted to salaries of officials of the local self-government rayon councils in 2022.

"This year the state budget stipulates the subvention for rayon councils in the amount of UAH 154,4 million. The money is aimed exclusively at salaries of officials of the local self-government rayon councils in 2022», - clarified Vyacheslav Nehoda.

26.01.2022 - 14:25 | Views: 10286
The government has defined the procedure for allotting subventions to rayon councils for 2022


rayon subvention budget


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