The spatial development complex plan being on guard of the municipality interests

On January, 25 the Shatsk municipality of the Volyn oblast hosted a strategic session within the work over the spatial development complex plan with support of the HOVERLA USAID Project.

The strategic session is, first of all, an opportunity to gather all those interested in their municipality development and to define the key priorities of its further development.

Having united efforts, representatives of local self-government bodies, businesses, public organisations and non-indifferent residents were defining and mapping certain projects and ideas of developing tourist, transport, social infrastructures, as well as agriculture and industries.

The best practices will be included in the task of developing the spatial development complex plan of the Shatsk municipality.

26.01.2022 - 14:00 | Views: 3552
The spatial development complex plan being on guard of the municipality interests

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spatial planning international support


Волинська область


Шацька територіальна громада


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