‘With or without the Constitution it is crucial for us to complete decentralisation before the local election’, Vyacheslav Nehoda
If we fail to go further, we’ll freeze the unbalanced power system for five years. Currently, we have in fact two Ukraines.
In his interview for the Dzerkalo Tyzhnya (Mirror of the Week) periodical, Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine commented on the decentralisation continuation and future.
Decentralisation is a tool to create an efficient system of the local authorities at all levels: hromada–subregion–region. Now we are realizing the municipal development strategy which is to radically change the country image. Ukraine has all chances to become a country without bumpy roads, deserted villages and ruined houses. To attain this hromadas have to believe in the reform, be authorised, to obtain resources and involve into the responsible self-government.

V.Nehoda Constitution amalgamation of hromadas
Дзеркало тижня. Україна

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