Decentralisation continuation and local elections on the new territorial basis: What were regional journalists told in Kyiv?

16 regional mass media representatives from the Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Chernihiv and Kharkiv oblasts have participated in the Decentralisation: New Hromadas and Rayons. 2020 Local Elections: A New Territorial Basis training and press-tour, organized in Kyiv by the Ukraine Crisis Media-Centre within the USAID DOBRE Programme.

They asked all their questions on the new administrative and territorial arrangement, new rayons formation, powers of local state administrations and central executive authorities’ territorial bodies’ to Ihor Koliushko, chairman of the board of the Centre of Political and Legal Reforms.

Ihor Koliushko is sure that "Decentralisation speeds up making managerial decisions, draws decision making centres nearer to citizens, where it is easier to influence the authorities.  European countries have been striding along the decentralization road for a long period of time. The implemented reform and changes of the administrative and territorial arrangement are a success for Ukraine".

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