A little time is left for the fourth book of the Election Code, regulating the local election issues, to be amended. However, there is no final agreed stance concerning some problems, particularly, providing the proper AH representation at the local elections, principles of defining the local councils’ quantitative representation, peculiarities of proposing as candidates, the bail amount, etc. That is why the State Election Commission members, people deputies, representatives of political parties, international and public organizations gathered to discuss the gaps in the election legislation and ways of their elimination.
The round table entitled Reforming the Legislation, Regulating the Local Elections was held at the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Organization of the State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning jointly by the OPORA civil network, the Association of Ukrainian Cities, the Association of Amalgamated Hromadas, the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine, the OSCE project coordinator in Ukraine, supported by the International Foundation of Election Systems (IFES), USAID, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada and the Great Britain government assistance.
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