The work over the efficient social infrastructure network and perspective plans completion. What comes next?

In Ukraine there has been created a geo-information database of all public service providers at the level of territorial hromadas. It comprises 26 networks of providing services (educational, medical, administrative ones, etc.), 100 geo-data layers. 150 300 social infrastructure facilities have been taken inventory for it. Moreover, social infrastructure facilities necessary to be created have been added to the database. Thus, all the funds, envisaged by the state budget for the regional development, have to be used, taking into consideration geo-information database and standards of providing services in different spheres. It will contribute to the efficient resources usage and social infrastructure development for the purpose of providing qualitative services all over Ukraine.

19.02.2020 - 19:39 | Views: 11539
The work over the efficient social infrastructure network and perspective plans completion. What comes next?


V.Nehoda perspective plan


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